Laptops have become an essential part of our lives in today's digital world. They are used for business and entertainment in addition to many other things. Due to the growing demand for computers, there are more laptop models and brands available than ever before. Because of this, there is a lot of laptop data that may be utilized to understand the laptop industry better.
In this blog article, we will do an EDA on a laptop dataset. The EDA approach for examining and understanding data tries to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships. Its primary components are data exploration and visualization. The laptop dataset we'll use includes information on a variety of laptop models, as well as their characteristics, size of the display, storage capacity, Processor, RAM, and other factors.
We want to learn more about the laptop industry and the elements that affect the cost and functionality of laptops via our EDA. The following are the results of the survey.
So, without further ado, let's explore the laptop dataset and see what discoveries we can make!
1. What is the distribution of laptop prices in the dataset?
select round(avg(price),2), stddev(price), min(price), max(price) from laptops;
The EDA result shows some summary statistics of the "price" column in the laptop dataset.
The first value, "round(avg(price),2)", gives the average price of the laptops in the dataset rounded to 2 decimal places. The result shows that the average price of laptops in the dataset is 59888.53.
The second value, "stddev(price)", gives the standard deviation of the laptop prices in the dataset. The result shows that the standard deviation of laptop prices is 37294.53. This indicates that there is a large variation in laptop prices in the dataset.
The third value, "min(price)", gives the minimum price of laptops in the dataset. The result shows that the minimum price of laptops in the dataset is 9271.
The fourth value, "max(price)", gives the maximum price of laptops in the dataset. The result shows that the maximum price of laptops in the dataset is 324955.
Overall, these summary statistics provide a general idea of the range and variability of laptop prices in the dataset. They can be used to identify outliers, explore the distribution of laptop prices, and compare the prices of different types of laptops.
2. Which laptop company has the most number of products in the dataset?
select company, count(company) as total from laptops
group by Company
order by total desc limit 1;
Based on the given information, Lenovo has the most number of products in the laptop dataset with 290 laptops. This means that Lenovo has the highest representation in the dataset compared to other laptop brands.
This insight could be useful for various purposes such as market analysis, competitor analysis, and product development.
3. What is the most common laptop screen size (in inches) in the dataset?
select inches, count(Inches) from laptops
group by Inches
order by count(Inches) desc limit 3;
According to the information provided, the most common laptop screen size in the dataset is 15.6 inches, with 640 laptops having this screen size. The second most common screen size is 14 inches, with 192 laptops having this screen size. The third most common screen size is 17.3 inches, with 162 laptops having this screen size.
This insight could be useful for companies in the laptop industry to understand the current market demand for different laptop screen sizes.
4. How many laptops in the dataset have a touchscreen?
select * from laptops;
select count(touchscreen) from laptops
where touchscreen = 1;
According to the information provided, there are 185 laptops in the dataset that have a touchscreen. This means that out of all the laptops in the dataset, only a subset of them have a touchscreen feature.
This insight could be useful for companies in the laptop industry to understand the prevalence of touchscreen technology in the market and the demand for laptops with this feature. Companies can use this information to decide whether to prioritize the development of laptops with touchscreen features or focus on other features that are more in-demand.
5. What is the average weight of laptops in the dataset?
select round(avg(weight),2) as 'average_weight' from laptops;
According to the information provided, the average weight of laptops in the dataset is 2.03. This means that the average weight of all laptops in the dataset is 2.03 kilograms (or 4.47 pounds).
This insight could be useful for companies in the laptop industry to understand the current market demand for lightweight laptops.
6. Which operating system is the most common in the dataset?
select opsys, count(OpSys) as Total from laptops
where OpSys != 'N/A'
group by OpSys
order by Total desc;
According to the information provided, the most common operating system in the dataset is Windows, with 1098 laptops in the dataset having this operating system. It also means that Windows OS easily available at the low cost and easy to use with different utilities. The second most common operating system is Linux, with 61 laptops in the dataset having this operating system. The third most common operating system is others, with 28 laptops in the dataset having this operating system. Finally, the fourth most common operating system is macOS, with 21 laptops in the dataset having this operating system.
This insight could be useful for companies in the laptop industry to understand the current market demand for different operating systems. For instance, a company that produces laptops can use this information to decide which operating systems to prioritize in their product development and marketing efforts.
7. What is the distribution of RAM (in GB) in the dataset?
select * from laptops;
select avg(`ram(gb)`),std(`ram(gb)`),min(`ram(gb)`),max(`ram(gb)`) from laptops;
According to the information provided, the distribution of RAM (in GB) in the dataset is as follows:
- The average RAM of laptops in the dataset is 8.4634 GB
- The standard deviation of RAM in the dataset is 5.566566543621793 GB
- The minimum RAM of laptops in the dataset is 1 GB
- The maximum RAM of laptops in the dataset is 64 GB
This insight could be useful for companies in the laptop industry to understand the current market demand for different RAM sizes. For instance, a company that produces laptops can use this information to decide which RAM sizes to prioritize in their product development and marketing efforts.
8. Which CPU brand is the most common in the dataset?
select `cpu_brand`,count(`cpu_brand`) as total from laptops
group by `cpu_brand`
order by total desc limit 1;
According to the information provided, the most common CPU brand in the dataset is Intel, with 1208 laptops in the dataset having this CPU brand.
This insight could be useful for companies in the laptop industry to understand the current market demand for different CPU brands. For instance, a company that produces laptops can use this information to decide which CPU brands to prioritize in their product development and marketing efforts.
Thank You for visiting here that was the basic EDA on the Laptop's Dataset. Hope you will love my work. This is my first effort, please do appreciate.
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