Streamlining Data Analysis: Cleaning a Large Laptop Dataset with SQL
When it comes to data analysis, one of the most important steps is cleaning the dataset. This is because datasets are often messy and incomplete, with missing values, duplicates, and inconsistencies that can make it difficult to extract meaningful insights from the data. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of cleaning a dataset of approximately one thousand laptops using SQL. Uncleaned_Dataset_Here Dataset_After_Cleaning -- So, let's start with cleaning the dataset but first create a separate database for it. drop database laptopdb; create database blogs; use blogs; select * from laptops; desc laptops; -- to prevent our original data we will create backup for it. create table backup_laptop like laptops; insert into backup_laptop select * from laptops; select * from backup_laptop; -- here we will cleaned data by different steps -- 1. single column based -- 2. multiple column based -- 1. dropping column alter table laptops drop column `unnamed: 0`; -- 2. adding au...